Viñedos de San Martín is a company founded in 2001, dedicated to the maintenance and exploitation of vineyards, processing, aging and marketing of the product located in "Pagos de los Castillejos" of San Martín de Valdeiglesias, belonging to the D.O. Vinos de Madrid. The project of the winery LAS MORADAS DE SAN MARTÍN is a commitment to the oldest tradition in the area, recovering vineyards rooted but as a commitment to the future of this land, maintaining the balance between the traditional preparation of their wines without renouncing the advantages that modern technology offers to winemaking.
It is the first winery in the area that opted for the potential of the Garnacha variety for the production of high quality wine and since then they continue researching to improve with care the integration of the vineyards that were disappearing by default.