Edad: Reserva.
Winery: Bodegas Avelino Vegas.
Type of wood and time of passage:
Tasting notes for

Optimum service temperature: 12° C.
A pairing: Setas salteadas con gambas.
Ingredients: 1 kg. of assorted mushrooms, 400 gr. peeled prawns, 4 cloves of garlic, 1/4 glass of white wine, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and parsley.
- Thoroughly clean the mushrooms to remove all the earth with a damp cloth: the mushrooms are not washed, as they would absorb a lot of water.
- Cut into pieces to taste.
- With the same knife chop the garlic and chop it.
- Put in a pan a stream of oil and add the garlic, add the peeled prawns and salt and pepper.
- Finally, the mushrooms are put. Allow to cook over a high heat for a couple of minutes, add the white wine and leave until it reduces by half over low heat, about five minutes.
- Sprinkle with parsley and enjoy.